Instructions on online interviews with international applicants

Instructions on online interviews with international applicants:


  • ALL online interviews (MSc, PhD and integrated PhD) will be conducted at 09.30 am Turkish time zone.
  • While getting on Microsoft Teams, make sure to use the emaill address you provided during your application.
  • If you become unable to get on Microsoft Teams using the email above, please make sure to have a second emaill address
  • Once you enter the main room, please check the interview list in the chat box and DO NOT ENTER the interview room unles your name is called upon as an active interview may be going on.
  • For interviews:
    • Team: IYTE MBG Graduate Student Interview 2022
    • Participation code: sndsved
    • Participation URL:
  • Interviews will be in Turkish for applicants who hold Turkish citizenship and in English for international applicants,
  • Interviews will be recorded and applicants are expected to depart from teams upon the completion of their interview,
  • If you become unable to join the teams please e-mail the departmant chair at to ask for help.
  • If you believe that you missed your turn, just remain online. Do not enter the interview room unless your name is called upon.
  • Please follow the text messages in the chatroom of IYTE MBG Graduate Studnet Interview for posts related to the interviews or any changes at the time of interviews.
  • If you have never used Microsoft Teams before, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the program and practice if possible.